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Thank you to all the candidates who completed the survey.


The puffin ratings below are based on their answers to the multiple choice questions we posed to them across three key issues, with four green puffins indicating the best answer down to 1 green puffin indicating the least environmentally friendly option. We did not factor the candidates' free form text answers (visible by clicking 'Read More' to get to their candidate page) into the ratings.

Candidates who did not engage with the survey received zero green puffins.

The States questions also contain informative environmental responses for some candidates:

Which statement best aligns to your views on the climate crisis?

We should take further steps to tackle climate change and reduce carbon emissions where it's practical and in Guernsey's interests to do so.

Please let us know more about your perspective on the climate crisis in your own words.

I believe that Guernsey needs to play it's part in tacling climate change, but believe that the target of 2050 is more achievable.


Which statement best aligns to your views on the challenges being faced by local biodiversity?

I believe the States need to prioritise Guernsey's biodiversity, and should invest more funding in protecting it where possible.

Please let us know more about your views on the challenges faced by local biodiversity in your own words.

This is one of many important areas facing the States and will need to be put through the prioritisation process along with all other projects.


Transitioning to a greener economy could result in major, potentially unequal, social and economic impacts. Which statement best reflects your view of how these should be managed?

Climate action, economic and social justice are closely linked. I would strongly support equitable policies which don't put the financial burden of climate change on lower- and middle-income households.

Please let us know more about your perspective on climate equity and transitioning to a greener economy in your own words.

I don't feel I know enough to make any further comments.


Where the environment is concerned, what outcomes do you think the States should achieve in the next four years, in your own words?



De La Mare, Simon



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