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Thank you to all the candidates who completed the survey.


The puffin ratings below are based on their answers to the multiple choice questions we posed to them across three key issues, with four green puffins indicating the best answer down to 1 green puffin indicating the least environmentally friendly option. We did not factor the candidates' free form text answers (visible by clicking 'Read More' to get to their candidate page) into the ratings.

Candidates who did not engage with the survey received zero green puffins.

The States questions also contain informative environmental responses for some candidates:

Which statement best aligns to your views on the climate crisis?

We should reach net zero carbon emissions as early as possible (and no later than 2040), and take this opportunity to transform Guernsey into a climate leader and innovator.

Please let us know more about your perspective on the climate crisis in your own words.

Our climate crisis is caused primarily through climate change , which is inevitable as it is part of our global cycle but the actions of humankind have expedited it and have thrown the natural global cycle off course. We have collectively endangered the very existence of plant earth and have done so at the expense of not only other humans but all forms of life on earth. We have disproportionality and with no equity , displaced the earths natural resources and exploited them for a perception of 'gain'. Short term gain that has long term consequences. This may be because we believe it won't be in our life time due to humans life cycle. Short-sighted has long term consequences.We need to think globally and act locally to try to regain the balance that earth needs to slow down climate change. We all need to take personal responsibility . We need to be aware of the unintended consequences of our daily actions. We need to lead and educate our community to understand the consequences for not only themselves but for their future generations. We need to ensure that we negate climate change equitably and fairly. That we create policies in conjunction with our community and we need to communicate policies clearly and concisely. We need to give our community real , informed choice in how they navigate their daily lives. Including how their choices impact others and impact our climate crisis.


Which statement best aligns to your views on the challenges being faced by local biodiversity?

I believe urgent action is needed to save Guernsey's biodiversity, and the States should immediately invest more funding to protect it, introducing new legislation as appropriate.

Please let us know more about your views on the challenges faced by local biodiversity in your own words.

Challenges are the lack of data collected and a desire to wait for evidence based decisions when in the interim species are being lost. Sometimes we need to use common sense and reasoned judgement and not wait under species are virtually extinct or actually extinct on our shores before we act. No joined up plan of action. Duplication of work. Many in the third sector working hard with a determination and desire to enhance and protect local biodiversity but there is a perception of duplication and a lack of cohesion. The 3rd sector needs support from Government whom should be leading on this. Government should be correlating data in conjunction with the 3rd sector and our community but government should not be using a lack of data as an excuse not to act. The interpretation and implementation of current planning policies since the Island Development Plan was enacted , are evidenced to be ineffective in mitigating the effect of development on our local biodiversity but their is little political will to expediently address this. In the interim areas of biodiversity , as identified under IDP policies , are being razed to brown soil with the mitigation that new plants will be sown with little consideration for the short or long term displacement of insect life etc. . There are passionate members of our community that government can learn from. We need a cohesive plan of action that anyone in our community can participate in and help deliver.


Transitioning to a greener economy could result in major, potentially unequal, social and economic impacts. Which statement best reflects your view of how these should be managed?

We can do more than just avoid unfairness - we can and should use climate action as an opportunity to build a better, fairer society, for example, through green job creation and progressive funding solutions.

Please let us know more about your perspective on climate equity and transitioning to a greener economy in your own words.

Climate equity , in simple terms , is about fairness. It is about those that have, and do , cause most harm to our climate , those who have reaped the perceived benefits , should take responsibility for their actions. The theory and evidence indicates that they are the ones who have the most capacity to act to mitigate the consequences of their past actions and whom need to evolve to sustainable solutions. It is also about understanding and taking into consideration , the wider global consequences of local action. It widens the rhetoric of the ' think globally , act locally' . Climate equity takes into consideration the environmental , fiscal and social impact on all communities and the fairness as to how they should act as a global community.


Where the environment is concerned, what outcomes do you think the States should achieve in the next four years, in your own words?

Firstly , elect a committee ( Environment and Infrastructure ) who can develop policies in conjunction with our community including the 3rd sector , and with other committee's of the states that are equitable. Policies that can be debated , determined and delivered within the already agreed time frame. The outcomes should be a government and a community who are coalescing around polices that support our environment. Our fiscal , social and natural environment are all part of the same puzzle. They are all interlinked. I believe that our mental and physical health is built on a foundation of economic and environmental security. Government needs to lead on this and deliver polices that support this objective. The outcome this could achieve , should be that we have a community who can make informed choices as to how they lead their daily lives with policies that support their healthy and well being.


Merrett, Jennifer



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