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Thank you to all the candidates who completed the survey.


The puffin ratings below are based on their answers to the multiple choice questions we posed to them across three key issues, with four green puffins indicating the best answer down to 1 green puffin indicating the least environmentally friendly option. We did not factor the candidates' free form text answers (visible by clicking 'Read More' to get to their candidate page) into the ratings.

Candidates who did not engage with the survey received zero green puffins.

The States questions also contain informative environmental responses for some candidates:

Which statement best aligns to your views on the climate crisis?

We should reach net zero carbon emissions as early as possible (and no later than 2040), and take this opportunity to transform Guernsey into a climate leader and innovator.

Please let us know more about your perspective on the climate crisis in your own words.

Society has ignored the damage of climate change, loss of biodiversity and species extinction for far too long. We can do many things as a Bailiwick and as individuals to help nature bounce back - we can do so whilst helping our economy and that of the world's . It is not just sensible to take urgent, effective action but essential so we can make this miraculous planet a safer place for all forms of life so the next generations in time will not suffer the horrors we are seeing today


Which statement best aligns to your views on the challenges being faced by local biodiversity?

I believe urgent action is needed to save Guernsey's biodiversity, and the States should immediately invest more funding to protect it, introducing new legislation as appropriate.

Please let us know more about your views on the challenges faced by local biodiversity in your own words.

The more I know about local biodiversity the more complex and awe-inspiring it is; the more important it is to understand it, its part in the planet's ecosystem and its threats. Gathering data on it and its protection is paramount - we need to understand more about the success of what we are doing and what we can do better. We need to share the amazing local knowledge of all who are involved in protecting our environment and work together to educate and to change habits not habitats. We need to understand what we have but also how, if anything, we can change (such as invasive species) to enable us as people to live in harmony with nature and not against it.


Transitioning to a greener economy could result in major, potentially unequal, social and economic impacts. Which statement best reflects your view of how these should be managed?

We can do more than just avoid unfairness - we can and should use climate action as an opportunity to build a better, fairer society, for example, through green job creation and progressive funding solutions.

Please let us know more about your perspective on climate equity and transitioning to a greener economy in your own words.

Climate equity not only is a means of supporting life on this planet, it is a means of sharing the burden fairly and supporting economies to go green. There is an abundance of evidence to say that going green can ensure our economy and our planet can thrive. Whilst it has taken time for major players to reach this conclusion, we can show what it means to be "Guernsey Green" and lead the way not only for the benefit of residents of this island but around the world - and the generations to come.


Where the environment is concerned, what outcomes do you think the States should achieve in the next four years, in your own words?

We need to support Green finance, improve our overseas aid reach and we need as a States to set the example locally so encouraging islanders to follow suit. We need to ensure the Strategy for Nature is implemented across government, subsidise retro-fitting properties with insulation and support Planning to finish the review of Areas of Biodiversity Importance to add to the list of areas protected. We need to prioritise the removal of invasive species - helping the Douzaine and States' departments to do so and not to use pesticides. We need to continue to explain the policies we have in place which are aimed at mitigating climate change to get greater buy-in of islanders and to improve those policies where necessary.


Tindall, Dawn



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